
Always thrives to be every better, Meliora!

罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester),建立于1850年,是美国著名的私立研究型大学,是二十五所“新常春藤”盟校之一 。无数优秀的校友毕业于此,在169年的校史中,走出了12位诺贝尔奖获得者,12位普利策文学奖获得者,7位美国国家科学院院士,18位美国文理研究院院士。秉承着校训 “Meliora” 精益求精,他们纷纷在历史中留下浓墨重彩的一笔。体会多元文化碰撞的魅力。


The Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) (Chinese: 中国学生学者联合(谊)会) is the official organization for overseas Chinese students and scholars registered in most colleges, universities, and institutions outside of China. The CSSA started in late 1970s when China started sending students to study overseas. The primary function of CSSA is mostly responsible for helping away-from-home Chinese in their life, study, work, and other issues, to bring Chinese students together on campus. CSSA also serves as a bridge between the Chinese and other communities, spreading Chinese culture. The groups typically host events such as annual Chinese New Year galas, holiday celebrations, and academic forums.

University of Rochester Chinese Students and Scholars Association (URCSSA) is a voluntary, non-profit organization consisting of students and scholars at the University of Rochester. As a member of the global CSSA organization, URCSSA is committed to serving all Chinese students and scholars in Rochester, providing life and academic support. We enhance the interchange and mutual understanding among our members by promoting social, intellectual, and cultural activities. We also introduce Chinese culture to and facilitate cultural exchange in the Rochester community.